Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dey 41

I have completely lost track of days or where I am in the whole quiting process so I am very grateful that I set up those clocks.

Today is day 41 and day 32 off the smokes. Thats a month!! I dont mean to sound stupid but there was a time (about a month ago) where I couldnt last an hour without a smoke so a month not smoking is great ... another milestone.

Tquit is at 100 days, fair play to you man I am chasing your tail and will see you at the pub ;) Atleast you can rest easy with political race in the UK is at a rest for now. Personally I love that time. Its the one time that politicians need you and the one time you can abuse them and theres nothing they can do about it heh heh!!

Poet and Bestus still going strong, it seems we are all going cold turkey. Good to see no one has become dependent on this wonder drug. Poet is only a few weeks behind me and I can assure you the difference a few weeks will make. I have had bad days full of stress and misery and anxiety and just crap but I havent thought God I really need a cigerette right now. The want to solve a problem with a smoke just isnt there. So stick with it guys, you are doing very well.

If anyone ever sees me with a smoke in my hand, you have full permission to shoot me.

Until next time, a very smoke free Zoe


  1. we are at 21 days, zoe :) look at us go. bestus is still using the champix. i am not. must go over and congratulate TQ, too. have a great evening. poet and bestus~

  2. Congratulations.

  3. I'm assuming that someone saw you with a cigarette in your hand and shot you.

    Hope alls going well

