Tuesday, June 7, 2011

And I am back!!!!

You may have noticed I have returned after almost one year of silence!!! No I didnt fall off the band wagon. As you may have noticed I have changed the name of the blog to suit its new purposes.

Well to start off with, I am 1 yr and 3 months off the evil smokies and never felt better!!

I now have a new challenge and I decided that the blog worked so well for last time that I would back to it again.

So during my non smoking adventure I have to admit I piled on the pounds. I know feel a bit like a pork pie. One day I was sitting around not doing much when I saw that infomercial for the abs circle pro. I decided "feck it" so I bought it.

The machine arrived and I jumped on. I most definately works those abs. But still not with a breeze what to do past swinging around for three minutes my gorgeous trainer boyfriend came to the rescue. He gave me lots and tips and has been a great trainer!!

So I am at day 11 and very sweaty!!!

So if you have any comments on the smoking or the weight loss or the price of a tea bag drop me a line!

Good to be back

Sunday, August 1, 2010

hanging my head in shame

After such an exciting start with my first ever blog I let it fall by the way side big time. It says I havent posted since May 11th! All I can say is oopsssssss sorry!!

My mother, who is a big fan of TQ's mentioned that he had made few comments about me and I had better log on and write back! Im almost touched that some stranger that likes to go caravaning in Scotland is concerned about my smoking or non smoking habits as the case may be! Firstly yes Zoe is my real name lol

Now to announce that yes I am still a non smoker and doing great. I am 114 days off the cancer sticks and loving every day of it.

I have 2 reasons for not posting :
- Im lazy
- I have started a new career which has me VERY busy

I will try and improve on the posting and be as interesting as my pal TQ. Id say I have lost all 4 of my readers at this stage though ha ha.

Now just to return to my last statement. Yes I have made a giant leap from IT to health care. I have embarked on the world of a HCA (health care assistant). I have to say it is brilliant, helping people gives you a fuzzy feeling inside. Cliche? yes but cliche's are often true. Just like the one about smoking will kill you ... thats the biggest cliche off all! Healthcare is a very good way of helping a person stay off the smokes too when you care for the elderly and you see them cough up a lung or two everyday, its nasty! Its an interesting new life I lead, being sent to a new hospital or nursing home everyday. Even today I was sent to a drug treatment centre to assist in the meth clinic. Let me tell you my eyes have been opened!!

I continue in my new life as a caring non smoking blogger

Until next time, keep blogging!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dey 41

I have completely lost track of days or where I am in the whole quiting process so I am very grateful that I set up those clocks.

Today is day 41 and day 32 off the smokes. Thats a month!! I dont mean to sound stupid but there was a time (about a month ago) where I couldnt last an hour without a smoke so a month not smoking is great ... another milestone.

Tquit is at 100 days, fair play to you man I am chasing your tail and will see you at the pub ;) Atleast you can rest easy with political race in the UK is at a rest for now. Personally I love that time. Its the one time that politicians need you and the one time you can abuse them and theres nothing they can do about it heh heh!!

Poet and Bestus still going strong, it seems we are all going cold turkey. Good to see no one has become dependent on this wonder drug. Poet is only a few weeks behind me and I can assure you the difference a few weeks will make. I have had bad days full of stress and misery and anxiety and just crap but I havent thought God I really need a cigerette right now. The want to solve a problem with a smoke just isnt there. So stick with it guys, you are doing very well.

If anyone ever sees me with a smoke in my hand, you have full permission to shoot me.

Until next time, a very smoke free Zoe

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 34

Hey folks

Im starting to loose track of time now. Not so much of a count up anymore. I think my body has given up any hope of smoking again although yesterday was just like smoking, how i got through it I do not know.

Anyway the thingie says 34 days and 25 days not smoking so Ill go with that!!

I have a confession to make. I have stopped taking champix. At first I just sort of forgot and then before I knew I was three days off of them so I just thought feck it I will say off. I am now cold turkey ha ha.

Im feeling grand, still got the dull pain thing going on but hey lifes a pain. However yesterday was pure pain. I went to visit a friend, a smoker friend. I ended up sitting in a closed room while this person chain smoked for a few hours and the smoke filled the room. I told them I didnt mind as I dont want to be one of those quitters but I could actually feel the second hand smoke going up my nostrils and hitting the back of my throat. It was actually like I was smoking. I had to go for fresh air. But I came out the other side still not smoking. Craving a small bit today actually. But no going back now!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 30

Hello folks

Well its day 30 on champix the wonder drug and a whopping 3 weeks off the smokes. Yes folks thats right I am 21 days clean today.

When I first started this, bearing in mind that this is my first and last attempt to quit smoking, I thought it would be like a light switch. I would notice a difference straight away about how I feel and I how I behave. Its not like that at all. You only notice little changes when you stop paying attention. Like when you realise at the end of a day that you havent had a craving.

Poet and Kath are sailing through through their first week and in my book the hardest week. You are surviving and it does get easier!! Trust me. One of the reasons I havent updated my blog this week is that I simply havent been thinking of smoking. Its not completly over at week 3 but its nothing near the pain you feel on day 3. So keep your eye on the ball!!

All for now, enjoy the long weekend

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 25

Day 25, 16 days off the smokes

This is starting to sound a bit like Big Brother, queue narrator in geordie accent "Its day 25 in the big anti smoking house and Zoe drags her blood soaked knuckles along the floor with drool dripping everywhere!"

Hah hah its not all that bad but having a rough few days of cravings. I think a combination of pre exam stress and cravings making things seem worse than they actually are.

Im not entirely sure what Champix is doing for me. Im too afraid to test out this theory just incase it gets proven wrong but I dont think it helps to block my cravings. I think it may do that for some people as it makes them so ill they cant possibly smoke, but for me I feel nothing. However I think it does plant a psychological trigger, a switch if you will allowing the desires to quit flood into an active part of the brain. Could I have come this far without the aid of champix? Probably, if I was in the right frame of mind. Champix is just that, the right frame of mind.

Poet and Kath goodluck with tomorrow, cant wait to see how you get on. Whatever you do dont start using any of the NRTs. There is no point adding nicotene to your system everyday but not allowing yourself to smoke! I read an article recently about Richard and Judy's (english chatshow stars) daughter who quit smoking through the gum, then got addicted to the gum for a further 10 years! I dont see any savings to be had there!

Anyway enough ramblings for one day
Until next time, keep popping!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 24

24 days, 15 days off the smokes

In the last 15 days I have seen a few firsts. My first day off the smokes, my first week off the smokes, my first drive from Mullingar to Dublin without smoking, my first revision day without smoking. Monday will see yet another first, my first exam without smoking.

Exams start on Monday, I usually get through them by psyching up with a few last minute cigs but not this time. This time Im on my own! Although I am not the only one that will be tested this Monday as Poet and Kath go for broke and become non smokers.
